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Research Paper Topics On Life Insurance
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
My Little Pony Essay
There has been an ongoing social improvement concerning a very notable arrangement of toys, and an animation that has been airing for quite a long time; to be specific, My Little Pony. Hasbro has advertised the line of toys since the mid 1980s and alongside that, made an animation, directed toward little children and little youngsters. The animation has disclosed a wide range of ages and adjustments of the show from 1984 to introduce. From that point forward, My Little Pony has been well known among the more youthful female crowds. (Bellis 1) An after has risen with the formation of another adjustment of the animation, called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The accompanying began from the web; specifically, on web gatherings where individuals talk about kid's shows. The accompanying figure shows the measure of strings every days posted between just October 2010 and February 2011. In any case, these posts have not been produced using little youngsters, similar to the alleged objective crowd Hasbro has focused on, however from more seasoned people, running from youthful grown-ups to full-developed grown-ups. Male devotees of the show have started to call themselves ‘bronies’ as a name that joins the word ‘bro’ and ‘pony’. Females have gotten the term ‘pegasisters’ as an increasingly female term to portray an aficionado of the new arrangement. There are numerous individuals that have seen the expansion in ubiquity of the show through media like news channels and web articles. These individuals apply varying points of view on why precisely more established crowds have chosen to make a monstrous subculture in the domain of My Little Pony. The main point of view originates from the discernment started by individuals who aren’t enthusiasts of the new My Little Pony arrangement. ‘Looking in’ from ‘outside’ the accompanying, they see it as adolescent, and as they notice the expansion of male enthusiasts of the show, rapidly accumulate the assessment that male fanatics of My Little Pony are utilizing the show to stifle gay musings because of the female characteristics of the show. A subsequent viewpoint, made by guys and females, typically ones who are devotees of the animation, guarantee that they honestly appreciate it since they think that its astute, clever, amusing, and adorable. A significant third point of view is that the social reappearance has originated from the incongruity incorporated with the juxtaposition of a show that has fundamentally focused towards youthful females, and the startling more seasoned male after. The perspective that enthusiasts of the show are adolescent and that male fans are gay is not out of the ordinary. In a general public where the term ‘gay’ was once prominently considered to mean ‘un-cool’, or ‘stupid’, there’s most likely that there would be an assault on something that joined a male and a subject that is focused toward females. Hurl D. Finley places this perspective into a simple to-peruse point of view in his article entitled: The My Little Pony Abomination: What is a Bronie and Why They Make God Cry. In this article, he states: â€Å"The dismal certainty is that numerous dads today wish to invest energy with their youngsters, they will plunk down to watch the animation with their little girls. What's more, that is the point at which they have you. †Other articulations in his article incorporate verbally abusing and outright detest for anything in regards to following of the animation. In addition to the fact that this articles deride the accompanying for My Little Pony, however it radicalizes a degree of abhorrence towards other people who have fun. Another perspective originates from the fans and their adoration for the animation. Obviously, they know about themselves and of how well known the show is turning out to be. To differentiate from a wide conviction held by individuals who hold the past viewpoint, this point of view doesn’t just incorporate male fans. It additionally incorporates females. Nor does this point of view hold a sexual orientation generalization upon itself on the motivation behind why a more seasoned crowd worships the new My Little Pony arrangement. The perspective is fairly straightforward, they like the animation since they appreciate it. Individuals who watch the animation discover the characters interesting, shrewd, and relatable. (SquadSix)The maker of the current age of My Little Pony, Lauren Faust, assisted with supporting this case in a general message. She was asked by somebody â€Å"What do you consider the odd religion of manchildren [again, regarding the primary point of view, indicating male fans] called ‘bronies’ that venerate you? †Her reaction was as per the following: Hi [Constitutional], when all is said in done, I am as yet roused by bronies. As a gathering, they have not capitulated to society’s pressure that youngsters must hold disdain on anything ladylike regardless. They’ve had the option to see past the assumptions that they were in all likelihood raised with to pass judgment on something for it’s merit. (Faust) So, Lauren Faust has indicated support for the accompanying of this arrangement, regardless of what age or what sexual orientation it might incorporate. She clarifies a rival side of the previously mentioned point of view that being a devotee of My Little Pony is ludicrous. That side incorporates the way that the strains and desires for sexual orientation generalizations are slackened for a progressively broad methodology where appreciation for the show is autonomous of different points of view. An increasingly conceptual perspective for why there is an enormous social after is that it’s unexpected. A few people feel that a more established crowd getting a charge out of the show is to some degree a counterculture. What's more, consequently, by that rationale, conflicting with society’s standards of sexual orientation and age will advance a development of culture, where accepted practices are basically broken. This kind of mass after lights something new and diverse in one’s comprehension for what ‘culture’ is. This point of view holds that these wrecked rules of normal practices might be a piece of the fervor for fans that appreciate the animation. Through these couple of viewpoints we can see that there are various reasons that individuals have offered with respect to why there is a development of the prevalence of My Little Pony, explicitly, the new television arrangement, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. There are some who detest the accompanying of the show and feel that the male fans are watching it for concealment of homosexuality. At that point there are the fans who like the show just on the grounds that they think it’s a decent show to watch. And afterward there are other people who hold the viewpoint that coming up next is an aggregate endeavor at making a counterculture through the recently referenced unexpected characteristics. These alternate points of view help to make a prospering investigation on why such a social wonder has showed up.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The use of emulsifiers in the food industry Essay
The utilization of emulsifiers in the food business - Essay Example In this paper, the need, use and significance of emulsifiers in food industry will be plainly portrayed. The significance of emulsifiers in various food arrangements will likewise be clarified by models. 2.0 Emulsifiers are the chain of atoms which have one water-cherishing for example hydrophilic nature toward one side of the chain and oil-cherishing, for example hydrophobic nature at the opposite end. For instance, when oil and water are included, it doesn't blend and the oil drifts in the water surface. This blend must be conceivable when emulsifier is included them. After blend of emulsifier, oil and water get daintily scattered with one another framing steady, homogenous smooth blend (Food Info, 2009). Emulsifier is commonly an item which encourages two substances to stir up homogeneously which usually may not be conceivable to blend well. For instance, mayonnaise is a ‘emulsified food product’. To upgrade the taste and surface of this food item, emulsifier is inclu ded with different fixings. In food items, the emulsified blend are the mix of at any rate two segments or â€Å"phases†which all in all don't combine well all. Oil and water are the two stages in mayonnaise (Bernstein, n.d.). 3.0 Importance The food business utilizes different kinds of emulsifiers while delivering assortment of food items. The least difficult sort of emulsifier utilized in food industry is a characteristic emulsifier which is gotten from a wellspring of vegetable alluded to as ‘lecithin’. This regular emulsifier has been gotten from soybeans however different kinds of emulsifiers are gotten from different sources. For the creation of lecithin, the soy oil is communicated from the dirt beans, which is at last treated with steam. This emulsifier is regularly utilized in chocolate bars and chocolate candy. The nearness of lecithin with different fixings in chocolate encourages to maintain dependability and turn away division and deterioration. In the food business, emulsifiers are a premier fixing bunch that are utilized in items. The essential significance of emulsifiers is to build the improvement of food satisfactoriness. The food items which utilize fats or greasy fixings need the nearness of emulsifier so as to keep up their unwavering quality and quality. A few results of chocolate coatings and icings require this as they make greasy things. The inconvenience of the presence of these fats is essentially â€Å"mouthfeel†, which they pass on to the last item. The expansion of emulsifiers makes the completed item increasingly heavenly since it decreases the dangerous substance from the item in the wake of tasting of the fat segment. Thus, surface and solidness doesn't arrange taste and shopper agreeableness (Bernstein, n.d.). 4.0 Applications of Emulsifiers Emulsifier is utilized in assortment of food creations in the food business. A few models can feature the significance of utilization of emulsifier: It is utili zed in making bread on the grounds that without the utilization of emulsifier it gets dry, low in volume and get rotted without any problem. Two kinds of emulsifiers are utilized in bread, which are mixture strengtheners and batter conditioners. In mixture strengtheners, diacetyl tartaric corrosive esters and sodium or calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate are incorporated which help to make the batter more grounded; and batter conditioner incorporates mono-and di-glycerides of unsaturated fats,
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Forbidden Game The Hunter Chapter 6 Free Essays
The room behind the entryway had brilliant ocher dividers. On one of them an African veil hung in crude wonder. A few earth figures laid on worked in teak racking, including a bust that could have been Nefertiti. We will compose a custom exposition test on The Forbidden Game: The Hunter Chapter 6 or then again any comparable subject just for you Request Now Cowhide pads were hurled around the floor, one resting alongside a total home exercise center. It was Dee’s room. The bust was one that Dee’s grandma, Aba, had made of Dee. There was a heap of course readings by the bed and a heap of half-finished schoolwork on the end table. Jenny adored this room, wanted to perceive what Aba would bring Dee next from her movements. However, seeing it presently was terrifying. When they were inside, the entryway shut behind them-and vanished. At the point when Jenny turned at the sound of pummeling, she didn't see anything however a clear ocher divider where the entryway used to be. â€Å"Great-now we’re trapped,†Jenny said. Dee was scowling. â€Å"There must be a way out.†They attempted the window. Rather than the Ice Age outside it was the common view from Dee’s upstairs room. Jenny could see the grass beneath, lit up by a patio light. Be that as it may, the window wouldn’t move, or-as they found when Dee swung a ten-pound hand weight against it-break. â€Å"So now what?†Jenny said. â€Å"Why would we say we are in your room? I don’t comprehend what’s going on.†â€Å"If this spot resembles a fantasy and we know we’re dreaming it, we ought to have the option to change things. With our psyches. Possibly we’re expected to make an exit from here.†The two of them attempted, without any outcomes. Regardless of how hard Jenny focused on causing the entryway to return, nothing occurred. â€Å"I give up.†Dee removed her coat and slumped on the bed-as though this spot truly were her room. Jenny sat adjacent to her, attempting to think. Her cerebrum wasn’t working appropriately stun, she assumed. â€Å"All right, look. That person said we’re each expected to confront our bad dreams. So this must be-†she started, however Dee intruded. â€Å"What else did he say? Who is he?†â€Å"Oh. Do you †¦ do you have confidence in the devil?†Dee gave her a hateful look. â€Å"The just fallen angel I know is Dakaki, and he just makes you horny. As per Aba.†â€Å"I think he needed me to accept he was the devil,†Jenny said delicately. â€Å"But I don’t know.†â€Å"And he needs us to play the Game with him? Much the same as the one in the crate, just for real?†â€Å"If we get to the turret before breakfast, we can go,†Jenny said. â€Å"If we don’t, he wins.†She took a gander at the other young lady. â€Å"Dee, aren’t you scared?†â€Å"Of the supernatural?†Dee shrugged. â€Å"What’s to be terrified of? I constantly enjoyed blade and-magic stuff; I’m happy it’s valid. Furthermore, I don’t see why we can’t beat him. I vowed to kick the Shadow Man’s ass previously and I’m going to. You wait.†â€Å"But-this is all so crazy,†Jenny said. Since she had the opportunity to sit and think, response was setting in. She was shaking once more. â€Å"It’s like you’ve consistently thought, sure, perhaps there’s ESP, possibly there’re unusual things out there in obscurity. In any case, you never figure it could happen to you.†Dee opened her mouth, however Jenny hurried on. â€Å"And then it does and everything’s extraordinary and it isn’t conceivable it’s still happening.†She looked hard into the dull eyes with the marginally golden tinted whites, urgent for comprehension. â€Å"That’s right,†Dee said quickly, returning Jenny’s look. â€Å"It is going on. So all the guidelines are changed. We need to adjust quick. Or on the other hand we’re not going to make it.†â€Å"But-â€Å" â€Å"But nothing, Jenny. You know what your concern is? You think excessively. There’s no reason for discussing it any longer. What we need to stress over presently is surviving.†Dee’s direct, dangerously sharp brain had gone to the core of the issue. What was going on was occurring, conceivable or not. They needed to manage it on the off chance that they needed to live. Jenny needed to live. â€Å"Right,†she relaxed. â€Å"So we adapt.†Dee flashed her splendid grin. â€Å"Besides, it’s sort of fun,†she said. â€Å"Don’t you think?†Jenny thought of Tom cringing from something imperceptible on the floor. She inclined her temple onto her fingertips. â€Å"Something must panic you, though,†she said following a moment, gazing upward. â€Å"You drew a nightmare.†Dee got a beaded Ndebele wristband from the end table and inspected it. â€Å"My mother alarms me. Really,†she included, at Jenny’s disturbed look. â€Å"Her stuff at the college PCs and all.†Dee looked toward the window. Jenny saw just the shades made of applique material from Dahomey. â€Å"You’re scared of technology?†she said in dismay. â€Å"I am not scared of innovation. I simply prefer to have the option to manage things-you know, directly.†Dee held up a slim gripped clench hand, and Jenny took a gander at the corded ligaments in obscurity lower arm. No big surprise Dee wasn’t terrified of the â€Å"sword and sorcery†stuff-she fit directly into the gallant mythos. â€Å"It’s a similar explanation I won’t go to college,†Dee said. â€Å"I need to work with my hands. Also, not at anything arty.†â€Å"Aba would smack you,†Jenny advised her. â€Å"And your brain’s in the same class as your hands-†She severed on the grounds that Dee was indeed taking a gander at the window. â€Å"Dee, what did you draw?†she stated, sitting upright lastly posing the inquiry she ought to have asked in any case. â€Å"Nothing’s happening.†â€Å"What did you draw?†A red light was blooming outside the window, similar to the shine of an inaccessible fire. Jenny whipped her head toward a popping sound and saw that Dee’s sound system had started to smoke. â€Å"What-?†Jenny relaxed. Dee was at that point pushing toward the window. â€Å"What’s going to happen?†Jenny hollered, hopping up. She needed to holler as a result of the throbbing sound that out of nowhere saturated the room. It reverberated in Jenny’s bones. Outside, an outline showed up against the light. â€Å"Dee!†Jenny snatched for the other young lady, attempting to pull her away from the window. She was freezing and she knew it. The thing outside was tremendous, shutting out the stars, dull dark and non-intelligent itself yet haloed in its own red shine. The eucalyptus trees outside were whipping in a rough wind. â€Å"What is it?†Jenny shouted, faintly mindful that Dee was gripping back at her. In any case, that was a dumb inquiry. What might it be able to be, drifting outside a second-story window, molded like a half-circle with the level side down? As Jenny watched, six light emissions, brilliant as phosphorous flares, dashed away from the base of the thing. One of the lights swung around to sparkle straightforwardly through the window. Jenny was blinded, however she heard the shivery tinkle of glass, and an impact of wind blew her hair straight back. The window’s gone, she thought. The breeze thundering past her was freezing and felt by one way or another electric. Behind her a metal plate tumbled off a wooden remain with an accident. That was when Jenny discovered she couldn’t move. The light was deadening her some way or another, her muscles going like jam. There was the solid sharp scent of an electric tempest. She was losing awareness. I’m going to pass on, she thought. I’ll never wake up. With an incredible exertion she turned her head toward Dee for help. Dee was confronting the light firmly, understudies contracted to pinpoints. Unfit to support Jenny or herself. Battle, Jenny thought feebly. This time swooning resembled overflowing into a dark puddle of ooze. The room was round. Jenny was lying on a table that fit in with her body’s shape. Her eyes were consuming and tearing, and she felt an extraordinary hesitance to move. A white light shone down on her from above. â€Å"It’s precisely the manner in which I figured it would be,†an imposing voice said. Jenny warded off the weariness enough to turn her head. Dee was on another table a couple of feet away. â€Å"It’s simply like what I’ve read about the Visitors, much the same as my dreams.†Jenny had never considered UFOs, however this wasn’t what she would have anticipated. The main thing she thought about outsiders was that they-got things done to individuals. â€Å"So this was your nightmare,†she said. Dee’s immaculate profile was tilted up toward the white spotlight over her, looking precisely like an Egyptian cutting. â€Å"Oh, brilliant,†she said. â€Å"Any other deductions?†â€Å"Yes,†said Jenny. â€Å"We’ve got the opportunity to escape here.†â€Å"Can’t move,†Dee said. â€Å"Can you?†There were no conspicuous restrictions, however Jenny’s arms and legs were too substantial to even think about lifting. She could inhale and move her middle a bit, however her appendages were dead loads. I’m terrified, Jenny thought. And afterward she contemplated how Dee must feel. As a competitor, physical vulnerability was Dee’s most exceedingly awful dread. The solid, thin body that she’d developed with so much consideration was no utilization at all to her now. â€Å"This place-it’s so sterile,†Dee stated, her noses flaring. â€Å"Smell it? What's more, I wager they’re like hive creepy crawlies, no different. In the event that we could simply get up to battle them †¦ yet they’ve got weapons, obviously.†Jenny comprehended. Muscle and creativity wouldn’t do anything against sterile, unpleasantly effective innovation. No big surprise it was Dee’s individual bad dream. Jenny saw a moveme
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
William Shakespeare about Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet - Free Essay Example
In Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare presents the idea that love can conquer all, love can conquer anything if you truly believe it can. In Romeo and Juliet, the theme is proven in the way that Juliet almost dies trying to keep Romeo and Juliets marriage still a thing. Shakespeare proves the thought that love can conquer all in many ways, but is shown specifically in three main points including self-sacrifice, family issues, and the willingness to do something to join someone you care about. Shakespeare shows the theme of self-sacrifice for both Romeo and Juliet in nearly identical ways. The thought of self-sacrifice for Romeo is shown in Act 2, scene II by his willingness to scale the orchard walls just to talk to Juliet. Juliet in fear of Romeo getting harmed says â€Å"How camst thou hither, tell me, and wherefore? The orchard walls are high and hard to climb, And the place death, considering who thou art If any of my kinsmen find thee here. (2.2 66-69).†Shakespeare puts the dialogue toward Romeo to explain a mood of anxiety toward Romeo from Juliet. Shakespeare even goes a step ahead and decides to show another example for Juliet caring about Romeo, in Act 4, scene I-II, Juliet shows her sacrifice by deciding to drink a potion from Friar Laurence, which in turn should make her assumptively dead for roughly 24 hours, to avoid marrying anyone other than Romeo, who she is already married to. Friar is hesitant at first when Juliet asks for a way to avoid the m arriage by saying Tomorrow night, look that thou lie alone. Let not the Nurse lie with thee in thy chamber, Take thou this vial, being then in bed, And this distilling liquor drink thou off; (4.2 92-25). Friar wants to avoid the marriage between Paris and Juliet because of his morals as a friar, as well as Juliet already being married to Romeo. In Act III, Romeo and Juliet are faced with the danger of having married as enemies as Tybalt and Mercutio argue and the newly married Romeo attempts to stop the fight, but pledging his love for Tybalt as a new Capulet, Romeo raises the anger of Tybalt who is ignorant of this new development. Tybalt raises his sword at Mercutio for threatening Romeo defending himself. The tragedy causes Romeo to be banished from Verona by the prince. Thus, by marrying Juliet, Romeo has lost his citizenship in Verona and must run away from his new significant other.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Statue Of Augustus Of Pimaporta - 1898 Words
Art is a medium for many things, such as storytelling, displaying an event, or even conveying a simple story. The statue of Augustus of Pimaporta is meant to tell the story of Augustus the great Roman leader. Just looking at this statue I knew it had a great story to tell, and I wanted to know what that story was. That is why my curiosity brought me to this big question, what is the meaning of the statue found in Villa of Livia, Augustus or Primaporta? The meaning behind the sculpture of Augustus of Primaporta is that he was a leader of military power, had a relationship with gods, and finally the sculpture reflects the kind of paradox he created with his government. It can be argued the Augustus was not a great leader of military power,†¦show more content†¦The relevance that this example has to the sculpture is that just like you would want to give a good first impression, the sculptor wanted to make sure we saw Augustus the way all of Rome saw him. In the statue of Augustus of Prima porta, Augustus is standing straight, right foot in front and left foot back slightly lifting his heel. This pose gives us a sense that Augustus was very graceful, angelical almost. It looks like he is walking forward but the sculptor makes it seem like he is doing it so effortlessly but the detail in his legs showing all the muscles shows us that he was strong. In the sculpture he is also pointing upward with his right hand. Josh Ford from Augustus the divine article explains, â€Å"his pointing hand is not balled into a fist but rather slightly opened and relaxed as if he were making a friendly and calm gesture†(Josh Ford). Julia Fisher also adds â€Å"we can immediately sense the emperor’s power as the leader of the army and a military conqueror†(Khan Academy). Augustus was the leader of military power and the sculptor wanted the audience to know it. â€Å"Augustus established the form of government under which Rome ruled the empire for 300 years†( Author of Augustus from series Roman Imperial Biographers, Patricia Southern states â€Å"the image that he (Augustus) projected of himself and his achievements was benign, hopeful and heroic, but behind his carefully orchestrated self-promotion he was subtle,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Eras of Policing Are Political, Reform and Community...
Policing is a very difficult, complex and dynamic field of endeavor that is always evolves as hard lessons teach us what we need to know about what works and what don’t work. There are three different Era’s in America’s policing: The Political Era, The Reform Era, and The Community Problem Solving Era. A lot has changed in the way that policing works over the years in the United States. During the Political Era the police departments were typically established and controlled by local government agencies. The Police being ran by the Local Government means that the State and Federal government did not interfere too much. Only well established families or local political groups would get the local elected positions. Police also did a lot†¦show more content†¦The community problem solving Era in America is the how we currently run our police systems today. During this era they started to give officers more of a decision of their own and they stopped with strict about of tickets. Sir Robert Peel the founder of the Metropolitan Police of England founded the â€Å"Nine Principles of Policing†Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles: 1. The basic mission for whom the police exist is to prevent crime and disorder. 2. The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police actions. 3. Police must secure the willing co-operation of the public in voluntary observance of the law to be able to secure and maintain the respect of the public. 4. The degree of co-operation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionally to the necessity of the use of physical force. 5. Police seek and preserve public favor not by catering to public opinion but by constantly demonstrating absolute impartial service to the law. 6. Police use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient. 7. Police, at all times, should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police: the police being only members of the public who are paid toShow MoreRelatedPolice Enforcement And The Civil Authority Of The Government1165 Words  | 5 PagesIt is important to examine the history of policing in the United States in order to understand how it has progressed and changed over time. Alterations to the purpose, duties, and structure of American police agencies have allowed this profession to evolve from ineffective watch groups to police agencies that incorporate advanced technology and problem-solving strategies into their daily operations Police officers represents the civil authority of the government. Police typically are responsibleRead MoreEras of Policing1520 Words  | 7 PagesPolicing as we know it today has developed from various political, economic, and social forces. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Personal Professional Development
Question: Write an essay on Personal Professional Development? Answer: The employees should be happy and satisfied working in the organization. Once the employees will be happy, they will carry out the work in an efficient manner. In the present situation, Paramount Travel Hotel Park Royal, London is suffering from employee turnover. In addition to this, they are receiving complaints from the customers. Once the employees in the hotel will be satisfied, they will stay in the organization for a longer period and eventually will serve the customers in a better manner (Bratton and Gold 2012). Some of the factors that will help retaining the employees and help in enhancement of customers care are: Motivation Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation will help the managers of the organization retain the employees (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Proper rewards and timely payment will help in extrinsic motivation. Taking care of the employees by looking after the well-being of the employees will help in the intrinsic motivation. Proper leadership style The managers should indulge transformational leadership to get the employees involved in the work. A transformational leader not only thinks of personal benefits but also looks after the development of the employees working in the organization (Buller and McEvoy 2012). Making the employees learn new things rather than just indulging in reward and punishment will make the employees feel good about the workplace. They will work harder and will feel better about the leaders who are thinking of the employees as well as the organization. Proper and transparent communication The employees should know about the duties to follow in the organizational and the organizational goals (Stahl, Bjrkman and Morris 2012). Changes should be clearly communicated to the employees. There should be no hidden information that employees will come to know later. The salary of the employees, the benefits and the penalties should b also be communicate properly Once Paramount Travel Hotel Park Royal, London will follow the above factors, chances are high that the employees will remain loyal to the organization and will serve the customers in a better manner. The motivation will make the employees perform well and take care of the customers. The transformational leadership will make them feel good at the workplace and they might give extra effort to enhance the business of the hotel. Once they will be aware of all the perks and the conditions, they will take measures that they are able to get those benefits and mistake that might land them into trouble. Poster The responsibility of the junior employees to enhance customer service Listening to the customers The junior employees should listen to the customers. The customers give good feedback as well as the bad feedbacks. The junior employees should listen to all the feedbacks. The junior employees should report the feedback of the customers to the senior authorities so that they are able to take necessary steps to enhance the service (Cina 2013). Greeting the customers The first impression at times works wonders for the customers (Wu 2013). The customers come to the hotel either for work or for spending leisure time. The customers expect good behavior from the employees in the hotel. As a result, the employees should treat them properly and cheerfully so that they come back to the hotel. The responsibility of the senior employees to enhance customer service Listen to the junior employees The junior employees are the ones who are in constant touch with the customers. The feedback that they will bring from the customers will help the managers should to understand the issues the customers are facing in the hotel (Rego, Morgan and Fornell 2013). The managers should the news of the issues to the CEOs. Depending on the feedback, the CEOs could decide the changes that should be brought in the organization Prompt response to the customers The senior managers are given the duty responsibility to respond to the queries of the customers (Yu et al. 2013). If there is any query posted by the customers in the website, then the query should be resolved as early as possible. The fast service by the senior managers will help the organization in retaining the customers. The satisfied customers will help promote the hotels in the market through word of mouth. Customers should not be differentiated The manger should not differentiate between the customers (Vega-Vazquez, ngeles Revilla-Camacho and J. Cosso-Silva 2013). The customers are free to choose between the economic packages and the luxury packages, all the customers should be treated equally by the managers. The services will vary according to the choice of the packages but the behavior of the managers should not change depending on the type of packages the customers are availing. If the customers feel that they are being differentiated based on the rate of the packages or the rooms, they might not avail the services in the future. The responsibility of the CEOs to enhance customer service Customer service should be considered as an investment and not a cost The CEOs have to decide the services that the customers would be given when they come to the hotel. The CEOs decide the expenditure that would require giving the services to the customers. The rate of the rooms and the amount of facilities is decided depending on the amount the customer is paying for the service. However, the CEOs should not consider the services as the cost but as investment (Cina 2013). The better the services will be, the more customers will pour in. Setting achievable goals for the employees The efficiency of the employees is directly proportional to the satisfaction of the customers (Wu 2013). Once the employees will be efficient in their job, the customers will be happy with work of the employees. However, for gaining more customers, the CEOs should set the goals and services, which the employees will be able to achieve. To enhance the service provided to the customers, it is important that the employees should set a high standard for themselves. However, the standards should not be that much high that it turns against the customers. Try to acquire all types of customers As it has been discussed that the mangers should not differentiate between the customers, similarly the CEOs should introduce packages for all types of customers. The CEOs should packages that should attract both the low-budget and high-budget customers (Rego, Morgan and Fornell 2013). In that way, all types of customers will be able to come to the hotel, which in turn will enhance the business of the hotel. The managers in an organization are responsible for taking care of the employees (Bratton and Gold 2012). In Paramount Travel Hotel Park Royal, London, there has been a sudden increase in the employee turnover. The managers are noticing some of the issues. The complaints from the customers have thrown light on other issues as well. The managers should manage the time and the duty hours in such a manner so that the employees get proper rest and are able to carry out their duties in the hotel. Some of the time-management strategies and their positive effect ion the customer service are as follows: Reduce the workload The employees should be given work that they could carry out in the given timeframe or in the duty hours (Armstrong and Taylor 2014). Extra pressure will not only affect their health but will also deteriorate the quality of services. Hence, the hotel should employ more people and change the duty at regular intervals. However, hiring more employees will have extra expenditure on the part of the organization, yet it will enhance the quality of the services. The employees will be refreshed after the rest and they will be able to deliver well in the organization. Once, the employees will feel that the steps taken by the organization are for the employees then they will fell good and work harder for the organization. Variation at work Doing similar job everyday will make the work for the employees monotonous (Buller and McEvoy 2012). As human beings likes change hence the employees should be trained to carry out different kinds of jobs. For example, the employees should be given different floors to handle. If one of the employees is at the reception, the same employee can manage the store. However, a thorough training will be required for the employees. The employees will also feel good to acquire the knowledge as it will help them in building their career. knowledge as it will help them in buildi Healthy environment at work The environment of the workplace should be good and should not pose any hazard for the employees (Stahl, Bjrkman and Morris 2012). The place should be maintained properly. Any issues regarding the construction, the managers should check electricity or any other hazard properly. The employees should feel secured in the organization and should not be stressed out. Proper leaves The employees need holidays and leaves on a periodic basis so that they can rejuvenate for the work. The same applies for the employees in the hotel (Stahl, Bjrkman and Morris 2012). The employees should get proper weekly holidays and long holidays so that they do not get pressurized due to the work. The employees will not suffer from any stress and it will enhance the quality of their work The above-mentioned time management strategies will make the work enjoyable for the employees. The employees will not be pressurized and will be able to handle the job more efficiently. The customers will be satisfied by the services of the employees and will come back to the hotel in future. Reference Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Bratton, J. and Gold, J., 2012.Human resource management: theory and practice. Palgrave Macmillan. Buller, P.F. and McEvoy, G.M., 2012. Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight.Human resource management review,22(1), pp.43-56. Cina, C., 2013. Creating an effective customer satisfaction program.Journal of Consumer Marketing. Rego, L.L., Morgan, N.A. and Fornell, C., 2013. 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